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The Icarus Society

 Psychotherapy Services
Psychotherapy with a Sage

Dr Ryan, a semi-retired professor of philosophy, has dedicated her life to unraveling the complexities of human existence. With decades of experience and a profound love and respect for the human journey, Dr. Ryan now uses both her philosophical and psychological training, knowledge and skills to help clients come to find meaning and purpose in their life.


6838 E Genesee Street

Fayetteville, NY 13203




Specialties                                                             Issues

  • Anxiety                                                             Anger Management

  • Depression                                                      Addiction

  • Domestic/Sexual Violence                        Behavioral Issues/Coping Skills

  • Trauma  Recovery and Growth               Family Conflict/Divorce       

  • Adolescent and Older                                 Sexual Abuse/Violence 

  • LGBTQ+                                                          Stress/Sleep or Insomnia                                                                                                        Suicidal Ideation                                                                                                                        PTSD 

  • Treatment Approaches:

  • Existential

  • Narrative

  • Cognitive Behavioral (CBT)

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

  • Family Systems

  • Humanistic

  • Crisis Intervention

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

  • Motivational Interviewing

  • Trauma Focused


"The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. We must imagine Sisyphus happy." 

Pamela Ryan
MA, PhD (Philosophy)

Existential Analysis

Existential Analysis: A Philosophical Approach to Psychotherapy

Existential analysis is a psychotherapeutic modality rooted in existential philosophy. Unlike other contemporary approaches that rely solely on psychological theories, existential analysis delves into the fundamental questions of human existence. Here’s why it’s a valuable form of psychotherapy:


  1. Embracing Authenticity: Existential analysis encourages individuals to confront their authentic selves. Dr. Ryan believes that true healing occurs when we acknowledge our genuine emotions, fears, and aspirations. By exploring our inner landscape, we can make authentic decisions and live more congruently.

  2. Universal Human Dilemmas: Existential analysis focuses on universal human dilemmas—questions that transcend cultural boundaries. These include themes like freedom, responsibility, meaning, and mortality. Dr. Ryan guides her clients through these existential crossroads, helping them find purpose and clarity.

  3. Phenomenological Exploration: The heart of existential analysis lies in phenomenology—a method that examines lived experiences without preconceptions. Dr. Ryan engages her clients in reflective conversations, unraveling the layers of their existence. Through this process, they gain insight into their unique position in the world.

  4. Freedom and Responsibility: Existentialists emphasize our inherent freedom to choose. Dr. Rysn empowers her clients to recognize their agency—to embrace the freedom of decision-making. Simultaneously, she highlights the responsibility that accompanies this freedom—the weight of our choices. 

  5. Meaning-Making: Dr. Sinclair believes that life gains meaning through our conscious engagement with it. Existential analysis helps individuals discover their personal values, passions, and sources of fulfillment. By aligning actions with these core beliefs, clients find purpose and resilience.

  6. Beyond Symptom Management: While traditional therapies often focus on symptom relief, existential analysis digs deeper. Dr. Sinclair explores the underlying existential angst—the dissonance between who we are and who we aspire to be. By addressing these existential gaps, lasting transformation occurs. In her cozy office adorned with philosophical texts, Dr. Ryan continues to guide her clients toward self-awareness, authenticity, and a richer understanding of existence. Her legacy as a professor extends beyond academia—she now illuminates the path toward a more meaningful life for those seeking existential healing.

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Monday - Thursday
10 am- 9 pm
Some Friday Sessions Possible
$150 per 60 minute session
In Network for: United, Oscar, Oxford, MRI
Self Pay for OON Autofile Billing Department Will Fine Out of Network Claims, Making it Easier for you to Access Services


 "The cessation of suffering comes with the cessation of craving. 

As we are the ultimate cause of our difficulties, we are also the solution. 

We cannot change the things that happen to us, but we can change our responses."



Balancing Rocks

The whirlwind of confusion around these fundamentally philosophical questions can make a persons' life miserable.
It can induce depression, helplessness, anxiety, worthlessness, and a general confusion about the world and one's place in it. This is where philosophical psychotherapy can truly help.

"Individual well-being, happiness, or mental harmony depends on a harmonious relationship between various parts of the mind, and between the whole person and society...


The ego seeks to satisfy its demands, but if there is a dearth of opportunities to do this, pain and frustration ensue."


Canoes on a Lake

"Human nature is not a machine to be built after a model, and set to do exactly the work prescribed for it, but a tree, which requires to grow and develop itself on all sides, according to the tendency of the inward forces which make it a living thing."

J.S. Mill

Peaceful Lake View

"The Will to Power endeavors to grow, to gain ground, attract to itself and acquire ascendency-...because it lives, and because Life is precisely the Will to Power." 

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"When we confront our freedom, it brings us anxiety. Confronting choices leads to angst or anguish.

Contrary to seeking out freedom, humans do all they can to avoid being free."


© 2023 by Pamela Ryan, PhD. Proudly created with

River in Autumn
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